Tuesday, November 22, 2011

yday story :)

heii friendss !
hows life ? fun ? suree !
asiiiiikk , kepilih jadi panitia natal !
makasih buat kakak2 OSIS yang udah kasi kepercayaan buat ak .
ak akan coba lakuin semampuku , tentunya dengan bantuan smua kakak2 yang ada :D
well , sdikit ngarep moga2 dance ditampilin pas pensi natal nanti #wish
then , bentar lagi team danceku bakal ngikutin kompetisi gitu .
judulnya "PLASTIC" ak lupa tu kependekan dari apa , yang jelas mas PRAS ( baca : pelatih dance ) bilang kalo yang dipilih buat ikut lomba itu maksimal 2 tim . dan satu timnya terdiri maks 5 orang .
apa artinya ? artinya yang kepilih buat lomba itu bisa aja kurang dari 10 orang ! ohh myy ! kesempatan masuk 10 dari 27 tu cukup sulit mnurutku .
apalagi liat adik-adik kelas yang lmyan jago dancenyaa , tambah ciut nyaliku -_-a
tapi , its okey lahh ,  ak cukup PD buat yakin kalo ak masuk kok yahahaha :D
cukup sekian yg bisa ak share malem ini , thanks vo reading ! GBU in your ways ^^

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

aiiimm baaack !

heiihello friends !
long time no post to read :(
this month is a busy month for me , ask why ?
my school " SMA KRISTEN SATYA WACANA " held an event , its called LAB CUP .
and this year is the third time this event was held .
LAB CUP is a basketball and dance competition between schools in Salatiga and nearby city .
the event runs well and festive during a full week from the date 29 October 'til 5 November #yeeeeee , asikasikasik :D

 in LAB CUP me and my team join the dance competition, and won first place thereee , YA-HA !
along with LAB CUP event , OSIS also held 2 events named BULAN BAHASA and CRAZY DAY .
BULAN BAHASA is like a classmeeting and refreshing after we have MID test .

on this event , every class must make mading , and prepare for rally games , hanzi , manga/comic and also drama contest .
well , my class won
two competitions, that is mading at 2nd place and hanzi at 2nd place . yaa , just for fun laah ~ hehe
then , CRAZY DAY . it is a day where we must wear crazy costume and prohibited to use a normal costume .
there is my friend who wear harajuku costume or just using pajama . haha . me ? i just use short pants , a shirt , a pink glasses and use roll in my pony :D

okeyy , thats all i can post today , i must be ready for trigonometry test today . AAAAAAAAA ! im not readyy mommm TT
okeyy then , byee !